Friday 13 May 2011

1.     1.   For my magazine I have decided to use ‘classic fm’ and ‘classical music’ as a guide.  I chose them because according to my research these are some of the most important classical music magazines in the UK, whose target audience is around 30 and up. As they are for middle aged people and up, the characteristics of these magazines are simple, quite calm and reserved colours. Simple fonts, usually in black or white to contrast against the background and make it easy to read, as for some older viewers a simple bold type like this would be easier to read. The layout of these magazines is also quite plain with either a close up or medium shot of one person as the icon with only a few headlines on the side.  I think this is a very good idea as older people would find such a simple yet elegant structure much more applealing than the chaotic and over exaggerated elements of most magazines for younger people.
2.The social group that can be represented by a classical music magazine are both males and females of around 30-50 of middle class, according to the prize of the magazine. Plus unlike many other music magazines which are read by people of many races and ethnic groups, classical music magazines are mainly read by nearly only white british people.
1.Because classical music is not a very popular genre in the UK it is mainly only sold in big retailers and supermarkets, this is because most smaller shops have decided that they would not get enough profit by selling such an uncommon genre of music magazines. On the other side nearly all of classical music magazines are sold online, with subscriptions that let the audience save quite a lot of money when they purchase a multiple number of magazines. Thanks to subscriptions fans of the certain magazines can get them as soon as they are out, with a cheaper price than in the shops, but also the publishers make an income as they can be certain that a bigger number of their magazines will be sold.
1.  For my magazine I would like to have a similar audience to the magazines that I have researched, but I would like to expand the age range from 30 to 20 and above, this is because I feel that if there would be a few certain aspects of the magazine that would be more appealing to the younger generation as well the magazine could make more profit, rather than just being aimed at a quite small range of people.
5.The way I have tried to make my magazine attractive to the target audience that I chose is that I have decided to keep it quite simple yet elegant to keep it original to the magazines that I have used as a guide.  I have made the main colours white and red, as these are the most common colours that I saw while looking at other classical music magazines and I think that all of the older audience would find this simplicity yet clearness most appealing, but I have also included some yellow and blue for some words to make the magazine look more interesting and attractive to the younger audience that I have decided to include.  The fonts I have used are also very simple and clear for most of the words so that everyone can easily read it, but I have also included a bolder type for some areas to make the magazine face look a bit more interesting to the wider audience. I have also decided to use someone in their 30’s as the icon as this would be around the middle of the audience’s age (20 and up) and so I think that most people would be able to connect to her.