Friday 1 April 2011

Magazine cover research

I have decided to make my magazine a classical music magazine.
The magazines that I have looked at are
What i like about both of them is the simplicity with just a few colours, a simple close up shot of the person with the main story and a few cover  lines.
I also like how the colours work on them, for exapmle how the yellowish main story title is a similar tone to the womans skin, or in the other one how the main story title matches the womans clothes.

I have decided to make my magazine aimed at people of around 25-40 as I think this is the age of most people who are interested in Classical type of music.
I have also decided to make it monthly as most of the classical music magaines I researched are monthly, for example the two i included earlier.

Personally I prefer the first one as it is more colourful, and so it shows Classical music as something that can be fun and exciting, and not only boring as most people think.

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