Friday 1 April 2011

My contents page

Here is how my content page looks like:
I have kept the same colour scheme that i have on my magazine cover, so white and red with bits in blue and yellow.
Also i have added a 'subscribe' advertisement as on the content pages that i looked at, a lot of them have one.
Plus i personally think that copying other's work, even if its just for a school project is something wrong, and that nobody should have their work copied, i have decided to try and make my own design for the content page. Personally i think that it works quite well as even though it has a rather simple structure with two colums, because of the red headers I have icluded for each story it doesn't look boring or too plain. Also i have decided to have the pictures on the right, as this is where your eye's wonder first, and as most people find pictures more exciting than just writting they'll look at the pictre first, then at the blue number and lastly at the story summary on the left.
As i felt that the two blue nubmers looked quite weird on their own, i have done the writting at the bottom blue as well to keep a balance between the colours and have a similar amount of the yellow and blue against the red and white.

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