Friday 1 April 2011

My magazine cover

I have decided to call my magazine 'Harmony' as i think that it works very well with classical music because i feel that Classical music is based on the harmony of the music and instruments together.

I saw that a lot of the magazines i looked at had red, black and white and one of the examples that i showed before had mainly red and white i decided to make my magazine have this colour scheme as well.
here is how my magazine cover looks like:
i have made red white my main colours, and as i have decided to make it a Christmas edition i have added i bit of yellow as well. I think the yellow works well as it matches her hair and the buttons.
I also feel that making the main story title blue is good as well as then you can easily see which is the main story line and as it is connected to her eyes it makes them stand out more.
ive tried making the title red as well but i felt that it looked to fake and it stood out too much, while in most of the magazines i looked at it was the model that cought your attentino first, and not the magazine titile.

I have also decided to make it £3.99 as based on the research i did on other magazines this would be a good affordable prize.

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